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Restorativ is a partnership between Restorative Justice and Practice (RJ/P) professionals, academics and technologists

We have come together with a mission to rebuild relationships and to make RJ/P available to everyone using mobile technology, predictive assessments, and machine learning.

We believe that raising the RJ/P tide can only be done through better access, economics, and scalability of RJ/P practices which can only be achieved through technological solutions and the understanding that RJ/P is a tool for all.

Our stakeholders include volunteer facilitators, restorative practitioners, police forces, schools, and corporations.

Restorativ website

Our platform

The Restorativ platform empowers a more transparent face to face practice whilst simplifying the management of the process. The interface is intuitive, so all users involved, that is the facilitators, the responsible party (harmer), the affected party (harmed), and community members, have access and information readily available at their fingertips.

Facilitators have the ability to manage and record the process, allowing for better tracking of the value of RJ/P. Restorativ also enables online case processing, expanding the types of cases that can use restorative practices into a diverse set of industries. With an eye on the future, we have embedded predictive technology to aid decision making and an industry first we also enable fully virtual RJ/P so that sessions can be managed via the app.

Restorativ has embedded a predictive assessment that helps facilitators understand the empathy types of the harmed and harmers they are working with. This assessment increases the likelihood of success by allowing facilitators to better understand the needs of the people they are working with.